Good Lord, will I ever stick with this blog and stay current with it?
I've been a member of blogspot for nearly 2 years now. I should have hundreds of posts!!
Lots has happened in the past 2 years. I took a break from Grey Cat Glass in 2011 to take a permanent job in Arizona. Long story short, that led to a supervisor position, a position as adjunct faculty member for a college in the area, and buying a house in Arizona! Guess I might be staying put for a while. Still waiting on getting all my stuff from Colorado and being entirely done with that house, but I'm well on my way and hope things will settle down in the next month.
The bad news...I finished the studio in Colorado just in time to be leaving it and never looking back. But the good news is there is plenty of room in my backyard and a new studio will be built that will beat the pants off the old one. Nothing like starting over. Oh well,I am not the only person in the world who has done that. At least this way I know this studio is all mine and I don't have to explain my time in it to anyone. I'm eager to get my newest projects started in there and see what kind of creations will come out of there!
One of my first goals, outside of getting everything unpacked and organized is to start working with boro. And more with Satake. And writing a tutorial. Ideas, anyone?
Thoughts from my Studio
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Time out!!
So apparently, I can't type with the regular blog posting, but can edit the HTML. I'm messing around with my newest techie gadget, the iPad, and it is awesome. I just need to figure out how to type on this thing since I'm not used to a touch screen or the location of the special characters.
New computer should be ready tomorrow. Then I can get with it and get some stuff listed on easy. I also figured out how to add a Grey Cat Glass email address to my .Mac account so the email address on my business cards will make sense. The cophantom just doesn't go with the business name!
I've taken some time off from blogging and torching. I took an assignment in New Jersey because the summer I spent at home kind of drained my bank account. It was a great summer, and I'm so glad I was able to take the time off from work. It was very much needed, very much appreciated, and will always be remembered. But it's time to get back to work... And with any luck, back to the torch as well!
I've done doll eyes. I have a few special orders to get put together. I met a guy in Florida who collects marbles and wants me to make some. I have plenty of ideas for buttons and drawer pulls. My silversmithing class is over, and plans in the works for an intermediate and advanced class. Definitely need to get some materials to practice with, get some jewelry made, and listed on easy. I need to get busy!!!
Have a great weekend and hopefully there will be more to follow on a more regular basis.
Friday, July 23, 2010
A bead giveaway--the fine print!
Okay, as the voting for Beads of Courage to win the Pepsi Refresh Everything grant giveaway is coming to a close (we have just over a week left!), I want to do something to help my facebook friends and blog followers get a little more involved with the entire process.
This is strictly MY giveaway, and is in no way linked to Beads of Courage or Pepsi or Facebook or Blogger or the price of tea in China...
Here's what you do. Go to and cast your vote for the program. You have to sign in before your vote is counted, but the sign in takes seconds, and if you're already on facebook, just click the "log in with facebook" and you're there. Vote. Then share the link on your facebook profile by clicking the facebook button just below where you clicked to vote and follow the instructions. It's that simple. Add a little comment if you'd like before you click the "share" button so your friends can see what you're doing.
Now. Why should you do this? Well, as outlined in yesterdays blog post, there are many reasons, but those were mine. A little incentive for you...
From now until the end of the month, any day one of my facebook friends posts the link to their profile to encourage their friends to vote, I will enter them in a drawing for a focal bead of their choice from my stash. I will also make a stash of beads for Beads of Courage and include the names of all my facebook friends who voted on the tag that goes with them for donation. If you leave a comment on this post to tell me to look on your wall for the link, I will have a better idea of who to enter in the drawing. You can also send me a message on facebook, or comment on any of my links on facebook about the program.
Again, this giveaway is purely through me, and is not sponsored or supported by any of the programs that I am mentioning. I am not affiliated with the Beads of Courage program other than the fact that I support it and say "we" when referring to it because I feel I am a part of the glass community that supports and runs the program. They're my friends because of the glass community we are a part of.
Please help this amazing program get some funding so they can expand to include more hospitals and train more health care professionals. It's fast, it's easy, it's painless and the benefits for the program will be incredible! Remember, you can vote every day through July 31, so vote daily! Do your good deed for the day! =)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Help Beads of Courage--Spread the Word!
So, I usually reserve my blog posts for things that are happening in my studio and what is going on in my glassy little world. But today I've decided to appeal to anyone who might be reading this blog who hasn't seen my umpteen posts on facebook about it to support Beads of Courage in their fight to win a top 10 spot in Pepsi's Refresh Everything grant funding giveaway.
First, a little about Beads of Courage. It is a NATIONAL program that is available in some children's hospitals (the funding would help expand the program). Trained medical professionals help kids undergoing treatment tell their stories by allowing them to select beads of different colors for different treatments. Each color has a meaning, and the individual beads themselves speak to the child who chooses them to be part of their story. It's simple and yet means so much to the people who are involved. When the child completes their treatment, they receive a purple heart, like the US troops who are wounded in battle but survive. If the child passes away, the parents receive a butterfly, indicating a metamorphosis into something new.
Many beadmakers provide beads to the program by way of donation. They are lovingly handmade and shipped to Tucson so they can be sorted and distributed to the hospitals who participate in the program. So, it really has become a labor of love for the glass community to see this program be successful.
They intend to use the grant from Pepsi to train more health care professionals in the program and to launch the program in 10 more hospitals around the US.
My reasons for supporting this idea are many. First of all, my family has been impacted by cancer (although not childhood cancer), and I can see where a program of this sort would be a bright spot in a patient's life. It gives patients a way to tell their story. "Oh, I got this bead when..." It gives them a badge of courage to display so other people can visualize what they've gone through in the course of their treatment. It gives them a way to express themselves from the beads that they choose to the way they choose to display them. It gives them a little bit of control over what's going on in their lives.
Second, it's a national program. The funding would benefit people all across the US, not just those in Tucson where the program is headquartered. So many of the ideas in the running for funding are so local that only people in that particular community would be affected by them winning. This idea is SO much bigger than that.
Third, as a health care professional, I can see how a program like this would help a difficult job be a little brighter. We all enjoy helping patients and seeing them get better. That's what we do. But if we can do something that brings an extra smile to someone's face, wouldn't we? What child doesn't like a treat or a present after we've drawn their blood, given them a shot, administered a treatment that's going to make them ill. I see it as a way of "making peace" with the younger ones who might not understand that what we do is ultimately to help them, and as a reward for a job well done to those who understand, but don't like it anyway.
Fourth, as a beadmaker, I know the love that goes into making those beads and shipping them to the Beads of Courage program and am thrilled at the idea of helping brighten someone's day. As a glass community, we are very giving and supportive and we're thrilled at the idea of having this program expand, and with it, knowledge of our craft.
So, how can you help support this program? Go to and do a search for "beads of courage." To vote, you must be logged in. If you haven't registered, don't worry, it's fast and painless, I promise! You simply need an email address, you provide a password, and then you can vote. Be sure the vote counts go down to 9 after you've voted to be sure your vote has counted. Then log out. It's that simple. Or if you're on facebook, just click the "log in with facebook" icon and it will take you directly to where you can vote.
You can vote daily through July 31. Please take the time to do it. I do every morning while I'm drinking my cup of tea and trying to wake up (see, doesn't even take any brain power, just click, type, click...)
Once you have voted, PLEASE share the link on facebook by clicking the facebook icon just below where you clicked to vote. It will show up as a link on your wall that any of your friends can follow and vote.
Please, help us get the word out about this program and vote! Only the top 10 receive funding, and we've been teetering at 15th and 14th for the past several days. We're SO close, please give us that final push we need to make it to the top 10!!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Silversmithing...let the ideas begin!

As I had detailed earlier, I have been trying to find a silversmithing class for quite some time. There were 2 people in Colorado that would come up when I did any search online. I emailed one, but he took forever to get back to me, so I had moved on to other options before I heard from him. The other is teaching in Estes Park, but I figured with the cost of a hotel, plus travel, plus the class (a total of 16 hours), I'd be spending close to $600, and I just couldn't justify that. I then looked at William Holland, but of course their classes were full. Then I got a friend from Florida to offer to teach me. So I booked a flight to Tampa and will be going next week!
Well, everything happened all at once after that. William Holland called me to let me know they had an opening. Of course it happens to be the week I will be in Florida.... And then the first guy emailed me back and said he had openings in the class. So I'm taking his class, and will be doing a make up session for the week I will miss when I am in Florida. So, by the end of the next month, I should have a pretty thorough knowledge of what I want--making rings, working with bezels. I have ideas and needed some nudging on how to make the mechanics of them work.
In other news, I am officially listed as a maker of doll eyes. That went live Sunday morning. Yikes! So, now it's become really apparent that I need to get my new computer to make adding photos of them a whole lot easier than what I'm doing now. The pictures I've posted to my blog are all uploaded from my cel phone, so sometimes the quality isn't what I want, and for the tiny little eyes (we're talking 4mm-ish) I definitely need a macro lens and some good lighting. Since my current computer takes days to upload images from the camera's card, it's just time to replace the computer. Hey, this one is 7 years old already. It's definitely time. I'm just procrastinating. As usual. ;)
That's life from my little corner of the world. Hey, I think it's exciting!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Here's looking at you!

That's all for going on. Family is visiting this weekend. Fun stuff.
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